Analysis of the Labor Market Situation of People with Disabilities
Zachęcam do zapoznania się z artykułem autorstwa dr Lidii Jabłońskiej-Porzuczek, przy moim współautorstwie. – czytaj całość na stronach Folia Oeconomica – Acta Universitatis Lodziensis.
Abstract: People with disabilities belong to a social group at risk of poverty. In their daily lives, they face prejudice and obstacles in the labor market. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess the labor market situation of people with disabilities which, according to data analysis, is much more difficult than that of persons without disabilities. In 2010–2016, the activity rate of disabled people was, on average, by 39 percentage points lower compared to the total population. The disadvantageous situation of disabled people is impacted by frequent amendments to legal regulations. Over recent years, the changes in the area of subsidized employment have contributed to an increase in employment of disabled people in the open labor market, accompanied by a decrease in employment figures in sheltered workshops.
Keywords: labor market, labor market participation, people with disabilities
JEL: J21